Boxing news is a British monthly magazine published by Newsquest, a major subsidiary of Gannett, a company that publishes many newspapers and magazines. It’s the longest running British magazine still in print, dating back to 1911. It is dedicated to the sport of boxing and features topics of current interest as well as some information on how to train for, as well as how to watch, professional and amateur boxing. This is an excellent magazine for any enthusiast of boxing, as it’s filled with all the latest news and features.
One of the most popular sections of the magazine is Boxing Promotions, which features not only the major boxing matches but also information on how to book and organize such events. It’s a fantastic resource for any fan, whether they are a fan of boxing in the main or just enjoy observing the sport, and they will find this section of the publication extremely useful and entertaining. There is also a Boxing Talk segment within the magazine, where top professional boxers discuss various issues surrounding boxing, including training, boxing matches, and even the possibility of fighting in the ring someday. It’s entertaining to read and can be really informative.
Boxing news also includes interviews with various top professionals, as well as some interesting profiles on boxing’s biggest stars. In addition, they offer a number of columns written by columnists that provide boxing enthusiasts with a bit of inside information about some of the lesser known aspects of boxing, and it’s important to keep a copy of this magazine around, as it’s full of valuable content. Also available is a free daily report from Boxing News writer, wherein they analyze the day’s events from a different perspective.