Tennis – An Exercise in Volleyball


Tennis – An Exercise in Volleyball

Tennis is a racket game that is played between two competing teams of two players each, or between a single player and a coach/coach. Each player utilizes a specially strung tennis racket with wooden handles to strike at an imaginary ball called tennis ball and then into the open air over or on a virtual tennis court, typically over a net. Although the game was invented in France and remains popular in countries all over the world, tennis can be played as quickly as thirty minutes and as slowly as one whole day. A typical tennis game may have a set of eight balls, with two each side being played with for half an hour, four times total.

In a match, a set is played, in which each team plays on an 18-hole court that alternating sides. Each team has two minutes per hole, plus three more minutes for each extra hole. A game is won by either retaining or losing one point, after which the teams switch again. There are seven holes for each set, and the first four (and final four) are called the “A” holes, where one team has the advantage if they hit any of the four balls in these holes without scoring a point.

After having played on the court, a point is awarded when either team has reached one-half of the net points, whichever team has the majority; the player with the most points after the points with the break wins. If a team scores less than the net score of their opponent, they lose that set and have to play another round until they have reached the opposite net point. A grand final is held after a player has won the match, and the player with the most tennis strokes wins.