Boxing News

Boxing news is a daily update of all the major sports in the world. It includes the major fights, commentaries, rankings and news about them. As per the subscription criteria the subscribers can choose the kind of updates they want to receive from the site.

The present editor of the site is Mr. Brian Mulcahy a young assistant editor of UK. Mr. Mulcahy took charge of the boxing news after his long time friend and colleague Mr. Mike Middleton was promoted as a British Boxing champion. Mr. Mulcahy has more experience of boxing than any other professional. He has also been a boxer himself and has coached several fighters including; Glen Johnson, Orlando Franklin and Ray Stevens.

Boxing News does have some sponsors but these are not significant. Its main sponsors are the various banks and financial institutions which have helped finance the enterprise for many years. Besides that the site receives some revenue from Google, Yahoo and Netscape, who provide advertisements on the site. The assistant editor for this purpose is Mr. Thomas Mullan who has a good knowledge on the subject. Boxing News does get access to various live matches through various channels but the major broadcast comes through cable networks.